- 频率范围介于 30 kHz 至 4/8/18/26.5 GHz
- 基础仪器可执行单端口电缆和天线测量
- 基础仪器可执行 S 参数(S11、S12、S21、S22)测量
- 100 dB (典型值)动态范围,可用于滤波器及天线隔离测量
- 防反光显示屏,小巧外形,坚固外壳 (IP51)
R&S®ZNH 是一款全双端口手持式矢量网络分析仪,可以提供单端口电缆和天线测量以及全双端口 S 参数测量。采用触摸屏的仪器界面操作简单,配置概况菜单便于更加有效地完成测量准备工作。R&S®ZNH 虽体积小巧但所有架构一应俱全,并具备高性能和所有重要功能。
R&S®ZNH 采用四接收机架构,端口 1 和端口 2 均有一个专用参考接收机和测试接收机,能够支持更多高级校准类型,例如未知直通、开路器、短路器和匹配负载 (UOSM) 校准。这种校准有益于测试端口使用不同类型的输入或输出连接器的被测设备。
尽量减少两个端口之间的切换,并支持 UOSM 等复杂校准
R&S®ZNH 体积小,易于携带,非常适用于外场测量。
R&S®ZNH 还具备高性能和以下特性:
触摸屏具有智能手机上可用的标准缩放功能。R&S®ZNH 支持典型的手机手势操作,让用户使用时倍感舒适。即使操作人员无法直接操作仪器,也可以使用空闲的PC、Android 设备和 iOS 设备远程控制应用程序确保操作不被中断。此外,测量向导可通过自动化测试序列简化测量,加快测试流程,降低出现人为错误的可能。
R&S®ZNH 具备按键、旋钮和触摸屏控件。这些大按键间距较大,操作人员即使戴手套也能轻松操作。
R&S®ZNH 基本单元包括:
按所需格式快速设置 S 参数显示。
标配四项 S 参数测量功能。
订单号码 1334.6800.02
订单号码 1334.6846.02
订单号码 1334.6823.02
订单号码 1334.6852.02
订单号码 1334.6875.02
混合模式 S 参数
订单号码 1334.6869.02
订单号码 1334.6881.02
订单号码 1334.6830.02
订单号码 0800.8515.52
校准套件,0 Hz 至 3 GHz,N,50 Ω
订单号码 0800.8515.72
校准套件,0 Hz 至 3 GHz,N,75 Ω
订单号码 1300.7810.03
开路器/短路器/50 Ω 负载组合校准标准件,适用于校准 VSWR 和 DTF 测量
DC 至 8 GHz,适用于 R&S®FSH
订单号码 1300.7510.03
开路器/短路器/50 Ω 负载组合校准标准件,适用于校准 VSWR 和 DTF 测量
DC 至 3.6 GHz,适用于 R&S®FSH4/R&S®FSH8
订单号码 1321.1828.02
校准单元,单端口,N 型阴性,2 MHz 至 4 GHz
订单号码 1321.1828.12
校准单元,单端口,N 型阴性,1 MHz 至 6 GHz
订单号码 1328.8163.02
校准套件,50 Ω,N 型(阳性),0 Hz 至 18 GHz
订单号码 1328.8163.03
校准套件,50 Ω,N 型(阴性),0 Hz 至 18 GHz
订单号码 1328.8157.02
校准套件,50 Ω,3.5 mm(阳性),0 Hz 至 26.5 GHz
订单号码 1328.8157.03
校准套件,50 Ω,3.5 mm(阳性),0 Hz 至 26.5 GHz
订单号码 1301.7595.25
测试端口电缆,0 Hz 至 26.5 GHz,3.5 mm 阴性/3.5 mm 阳性,长度:635 mm (25 in)
订单号码 1301.7595.38
测试端口电缆,0 Hz 至 26.5 GHz,3.5 mm 阴性/3.5 mm 阳性,长度:965 mm (38 in)
订单号码 1301.7608.25
测试端口电缆,0 Hz 至 40 GHz,2.92 mm 阴性/2.92 mm 阳性,长度:635 mm (25 in)
订单号码 1301.7608.38
测试端口电缆,0 Hz 至 40 GHz,2.92 mm 阴性/2.92 mm 阳性,长度:965 mm (38 in)
订单号码 1306.4507.24
测试端口电缆,0 Hz 至 18 GHz,N 型阳性/N 型阳性,长度:610 mm (24 in)
订单号码 1306.4507.36
测试端口电缆,0 Hz 至 18 GHz,N 型阳性/N 型阳性,长度:914 mm (36 in)
订单号码 1306.4513.24
测试端口电缆,0 Hz 至 18 GHz,N 型阳性/3.5 mm 阳性,长度:610 mm (24 in)
订单号码 1306.4513.36
测试端口电缆,0 Hz 至 18 GHz,N 型阳性/3.5 mm 阳性,长度:914 mm (36 in)
订单号码 1306.4520.24
测试端口电缆,0 Hz 至 26.5 GHz,3.5 mm 阴性/3.5 mm 阳性,长度:610 mm (24 in)
订单号码 1306.4520.36
测试端口电缆,0 Hz 至 26.5 GHz,3.5 mm 阴性/3.5 mm 阳性,长度:914 mm (36 in)
订单号码 1306.4520.60
测试端口电缆,0 Hz 至 26.5 GHz,3.5 mm 阴性/3.5 mm 阳性,长度:1524 mm (60 in)
订单号码 1306.4536.24
测试端口电缆,0 Hz 至 40 GHz,2.92 mm 阴性/2.92 mm 阳性,长度:610 mm (24 in)
订单号码 1306.4536.36
测试端口电缆,0 Hz 至 40 GHz,2.92 mm 阴性/2.92 mm 阳性,长度:914 mm (36 in)
订单号码 1309.6600.00
射频电缆(长度:1 m),DC 至 8 GHz,含护套,N 型阳性连接器/N 型阴性连接器
适用于 R&S®FSH-K41 选件
订单号码 1309.6617.00
射频电缆(长度:3 m),DC 至 8 GHz,含护套,N 型阳性连接器/N 型阴性连接器
适用于 R&S®FSH-K41 选件
订单号码 1035.1700.52
大功率衰减器,50 W
0 Hz 至 6 GHz,20 dB
订单号码 1073.8495.20
大功率衰减器,100 W
0 Hz 至 2 GHz
订单号码 1073.8495.30
大功率衰减器,100 W
0 Hz 至 2 GHz
订单号码 1321.1392.02
适用于 R&S®Spectrum Rider 的 GPS 接收机
订单号码 0358.5414.02
匹配件,75 Ω,L 型
双向,0 Hz 至 2.7 GHz,N 型阴性连接器/N 型阳性连接器,负载容量 2 W,L 型
订单号码 0358.5714.02
匹配件,75 Ω,串联电阻器 25 Ω
0 Hz 至 2.7 GHz
订单号码 1300.7740.02
50/75 Ω 匹配件,L 型,N 转 BNC
双向,0 Hz 至 1 GHz,BNC 阴性连接器/N 型阳性连接器,负载容量 1 W
订单号码 0118.2812.00
N 转 BNC 适配器(N 型阳性转 BNC 阴性)
订单号码 0092.6581.00
N 型转接适配器(N 型阳性转 N 型阳性)
订单号码 4012.5837.00
N 型转接适配器(N 型阳性转 SMA 阴性)
订单号码 3530.6646.00
N 型转接适配器(N 型阳性转 7/16 阴性)
订单号码 3530.6630.00
N 型转接适配器(N 型阳性转 7/16 阳性)
订单号码 4048.9790.00
N 型转接适配器(N 型阳性转 FME 阴性)
订单号码 0017.6742.00
N 转 BNC 适配器(BNC 阳性转香蕉头阴性)
订单号码 1321.1328.02
订单号码 1321.1334.02
带放电指示器的锂离子电池,6.4 Ah
订单号码 1321.1386.02
订单号码 1321.1340.02
为仪器和 R&S®HA-Z303 外部电池充电器供电
订单号码 1321.1370.02
订单号码 1321.1370.03
订单号码 1309.6175.00
订单号码 1321.1357.02
适用于 R&S®Spectrum Rider 的硬质箱
订单号码 1326.2774.02
尺寸:455 mm x 368 mm x 166 mm。重量:2.5 kg。
订单号码 1309.6169.00
备用 USB 数据线
订单号码 1309.6152.00
Spare LAN cable
订单号码 1120.6001.02
25 MHz 至 1 GHz
订单号码 1165.2305.02
200 MHz 至 4 GHz
订单号码 1417.0409.02
通用功率探头,10 MHz 至 8 GHz,100 mW,双通道
订单号码 1417.0309.02
通用功率探头,10 MHz 至 18 GHz,100 mW,双通道
订单号码 1419.0006.02
用于 USB 操作;测量范围:100 pW 至 200 mW;频率范围:10 MHz 至 8 GHz;N 型阳性连接器
订单号码 1419.0029.02
用于 USB 操作
订单号码 1419.0064.02
用于 USB 操作
订单号码 1419.0041.02
用于 USB 操作
订单号码 1419.0087.02
用于 USB 操作
订单号码 1424.6115.02
300 nW 至 100 mW,DC 至 18 GHz
订单号码 1424.6138.02
300 nW 至 100 mW,DC 至 33 GHz
订单号码 1424.6150.02
300 nW 至 100 mW,DC 至 40 GHz
订单号码 1424.6173.02
订单号码 1424.6196.02
订单号码 1424.6473.02
订单号码 1424.6215.02
订单号码 1424.6796.02
100 pW 至 200 mW,8 kHz 至 6 GHz
订单号码 1424.6815.02
100 pW 至 200 mW,8 kHz 至 18 GHz
订单号码 1137.9009.02
订单号码 1411.7501.02
订单号码 1417.0109.40
订单号码 1417.0109.44
订单号码 1145.5909.02
USB 适配器电缆
适用于 R&S®FSH-Z14/R&S®FSH-Z44 功率探头
订单号码 1146.8001.02
USB 适配器电缆(无源),长度:2 m
订单号码 1419.0658.03
USB-A 接口电缆,长度:1.5 m
订单号码 1334.5162.00
OEM USB 光功率计(锗)
订单号码 1334.5179.00
OEM USB 光功率计(过滤的铟镓砷)
订单号码 1334.5185.00
适用于光功率计的 SC 适配器
订单号码 1334.5191.00
适用于光功率计的 LC 适配器
订单号码 1334.5204.00
适用于光功率计的 2.5 mm 通用适配器
订单号码 1334.5210.00
适用于光功率计的 1.25 mm 通用适配器
订单号码 1334.5227.00
接插线 SC-LC SM,SX,长度:1 m
订单号码 1334.5233.00
接插线 SC-SC SM,SX,长度:1 m
Manufacturer's recommended retail price (MSRP). The price shown does not include VAT. Prices and offers are only intended for entrepreneurs and not for private end consumers.
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Terms & Conditions of the Prize Draw 10 years Rohde & Schwarz oscilloscopes
1. The prize draw “10 years Rohde & Schwarz oscilloscopes” (herein referred to as “Draw”) is organized by Rohde & Schwarz GmbH & Co. KG, Mühldorfstraße 15, 81671 Munich, Germany, Tel. +49 89 41 29 0 (herein referred to as “R&S).
2. All participators can register to the draw during January 01, 2020 to December 31, 2020 with their name, company name and business e-mail.
3. Participation is free of charge and not dependent on the purchase of goods or services.
4. The draw is only open to legal entities and only the legal entities are able to win the prizes. An individual person is not allowed to participate on its own name and its own account but as a representative of a legal entity filing the participation form in the name of and on behalf of the legal entity.
5. The prizes to win are 1 of 10 R&S®RTB2000 within the time frame January 1, 2020 to December 31, 2020:
Prize: 1x R&S®RTB2000 Digital Oscilloscope
6. The draw takes place at Rohde & Schwarz headquarters, Muehldorstrasse 15, 81671 Munich. The winner of the prizes will be informed by e-mail within 5 (5) working days.
7. The authorized representative of the legal entity shall inform Rohde & Schwarz about the acceptance of the price. In case of the denial of the acceptance, or no answer within two (2) weeks, a new winner will be drawn. If no winner can be determined within four (4) weeks, the draw ends and the prize forfeit.
8. R&S’ employees and members of their families and also person being familiar with the process of the draw and members of their families are excluded from filling the participation form.
9. No cash equivalent or exchange of prizes is allowed. Prizes are non-transferable. All taxes, levies, duties, fees and other charges levied in the participant´s country shall be borne by the participant.
10. Personal data will be processed only for the purpose of this prize draw and deleted four (4) weeks after the draw, if not agreed otherwise.
11. Any Participant who does not comply with these Terms & Conditions may be disqualified by R&S from this Competition. In such cases, prizes can also be withdrawn retrospectively. In case a prize is withdrawn retrospectively due to the non-compliance with these Terms & Conditions, it shall be returned by the respective participant at his cost to R&S’ address mentioned under Nr.1 and a new winner will be drawn.
12. The participants cannot claim the prizes of this draw and no legal recourse is permitted in this respect.
13. The draw and any contractual relationship arising therefrom between R&S and the respective participant shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Germany, without any recourse to the conflict of laws. The courts of Munich, Germany, shall have exclusive jurisdiction in case of any disputes arising directly or indirectly from the participation in this Competition.
* “fast delivery” inside 7 working days applies to the Rohde & Schwarz in-house procedures from order processing through to available ex-factory to ship.