





主流广播电视公司信赖 R&S®SpycerNode HPC 存储解决方案并将其用于新闻业务

美国一家行业领先的广播电视公司需要高吞吐量存储解决方案来处理新闻图片。解决方案必须支持位于两个站点的 300 多个客户端并保持主动同步,以便提供出色的抗干扰性。

罗德与施瓦茨在概念验证 (PoC) 阶段演示了 R&S®SpycerNode 解决方案的性能。完整的解决方案在 100 Gbit 以太网连接的专用子网中运行以安全传输紧急的新闻图片。


R&S®PRISMON 在 PBS 云编码和播出评估中发挥重要作用

美国公共广播电视公司 PBS 依靠 R&S®PRISMON 执行多种监测任务,例如验证云编码质量和监测云信号与本地信号之间的延迟等。


新世界交响乐团部署 R&S®SpycerNode 以满足海量存储需求

迈阿密新世界交响乐团 (NWS) 因为专业乐团和管弦乐队培养未来的首席音乐家而享誉全球,但鲜为人知的是,这个乐团近期公布了令人称奇的 4K 超高清制作、录制和展示系统。


虚拟化多画面输出工具为新颖先进的 SRF 制作中心增光添彩

以颠覆性创新打造 SRF 新闻和体育中心,是 SRF 和 tpc 近几十年来开展的最为宏伟的项目。R&S®PRISMON 多画面输出工具为这个项目提供强力支持。


Cinelab 长期信赖 R&S®CLIPSTER

罗德与施瓦茨为 Cinelab London 的电影专家团队提供鼎力支持。他们以非凡的服务和高品质的工作成果而闻名,并竭力制作一流影像。


R&S®CLIPSTER 协助 Elite Media Technologies 采用 IMF

这家公司全方位部署母带处理解决方案 R&S®CLIPSTER 以满足所有的后期制作需求,包括创建 IMF 数据包


Molinare – 英国领先的后期制作解决方案供应商

无论是 Netflix 和亚马逊的超高清和高动态范围项目,还是故事片、大制作电视剧、纪录片和纪实性娱乐节目,都在视听制作方面彰显出 Molinare 的卓越创意。这些影视制作屡获艾美奖、英国电影和电视艺术学院奖以及英国皇家电视协会奖和提名,充分印证了这一点。点击“立即下载”,阅读完整的案例研究。



R3store Studios 和 3el.com 选择使用 R&S®SpycerBox Ultra TL 设备,一种已被证实可靠、强大、快捷的存储和客户端服务解决方案。


使用 R&S®CLIPSTER 实现文化资产的数字化

保存历史影片是 Studio Hamburg Postproduction 面临的严峻挑战。现在,他们可以使用 R&S®CLIPSTER 保护珍贵无价的文化资产。


使用 R&S®CLIPSTER 进行任务关键型母带处理

Motion Pictures Solution 需要利用最新技术以满足市场上对高动态范围和标准动态范围可交付内容的众多需求。他们决定使用 R&S®CLIPSTER。


罗德与施瓦茨收购 Pixel Power Limited

罗德与施瓦茨收购了电视品牌推广、图文、自动播控、总控播出行业的技术领先者 Pixel Power Ltd.。通过收购这家拥有重要技术领导地位的公司,罗德与施瓦茨将进一步扩大广播电视播出业务。这家子公司将命名为“Pixel Power Ltd. - A Rohde & Schwarz Company”。


R&S®CLIPSTER 为 2018 年欧洲锦标赛上的 EBU UHD 测试提供支持

欧洲广播联盟 (EBU) 将带领若干 EBU 成员和制作流程领域的行业合作伙伴开展试验,以拍摄、处理、录制和分发实时超高清 (UHD) 内容。


协助 The Farm 顺利开展后期制作工作

最近,The Farm Group 选择使用 R&S®SpycerBox 存储解决方案和 R&S®CLIPSTER 母带处理系统来满足日益增加的超高清和高动态范围后期工作需求。


R&S®CLIPSTER 母带处理解决方案让柏林国际电影节的全球首映式闪耀夺目光彩

来自世界各地的电影制作人在柏林国际电影节汇聚一堂。电影节上采用的技术解决方案必须达到他们的高标准。阅读案例研究,了解 R&S®CLIPSTER 如何准时录制和制作数字电影包 (DCP)。


伦敦 Pinewood Studios 信赖于罗德与施瓦茨的产品

罗德与施瓦茨通用可靠的高性能 R&S®SpycerBoxes 为 Pinewood 提供了一系列满足其严格要求的采集和存储解决方案。


罗德与施瓦茨 – 多年来一如既往地为 ARRI Media 提供尖端技术

ARRI Media 奉行一站式服务理念,提供全面的后期制作服务,非常需要采用可靠、耐用、先进的技术以满足客户的高期望。点击“立即下载”,阅读完整的案例研究。



Manufacturer's recommended retail price (MSRP). The price shown does not include VAT. Prices and offers are only intended for entrepreneurs and not for private end consumers.

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Terms & Conditions of the Prize Draw 10 years Rohde & Schwarz oscilloscopes

1. The prize draw “10 years Rohde & Schwarz oscilloscopes” (herein referred to as “Draw”) is organized by Rohde & Schwarz GmbH & Co. KG, Mühldorfstraße 15, 81671 Munich, Germany, Tel. +49 89 41 29 0 (herein referred to as “R&S).

2. All participators can register to the draw during January 01, 2020 to December 31, 2020 with their name, company name and business e-mail.

3. Participation is free of charge and not dependent on the purchase of goods or services.

4. The draw is only open to legal entities and only the legal entities are able to win the prizes. An individual person is not allowed to participate on its own name and its own account but as a representative of a legal entity filing the participation form in the name of and on behalf of the legal entity.

5. The prizes to win are 1 of 10 R&S®RTB2000 within the time frame January 1, 2020 to December 31, 2020:

Prize: 1x R&S®RTB2000 Digital Oscilloscope

6. The draw takes place at Rohde & Schwarz headquarters, Muehldorstrasse 15, 81671 Munich. The winner of the prizes will be informed by e-mail within 5 (5) working days.

7. The authorized representative of the legal entity shall inform Rohde & Schwarz about the acceptance of the price. In case of the denial of the acceptance, or no answer within two (2) weeks, a new winner will be drawn. If no winner can be determined within four (4) weeks, the draw ends and the prize forfeit.

8. R&S’ employees and members of their families and also person being familiar with the process of the draw and members of their families are excluded from filling the participation form.

9. No cash equivalent or exchange of prizes is allowed. Prizes are non-transferable. All taxes, levies, duties, fees and other charges levied in the participant´s country shall be borne by the participant.

10. Personal data will be processed only for the purpose of this prize draw and deleted four (4) weeks after the draw, if not agreed otherwise.

11. Any Participant who does not comply with these Terms & Conditions may be disqualified by R&S from this Competition. In such cases, prizes can also be withdrawn retrospectively. In case a prize is withdrawn retrospectively due to the non-compliance with these Terms & Conditions, it shall be returned by the respective participant at his cost to R&S’ address mentioned under Nr.1 and a new winner will be drawn.

12. The participants cannot claim the prizes of this draw and no legal recourse is permitted in this respect.

13. The draw and any contractual relationship arising therefrom between R&S and the respective participant shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Germany, without any recourse to the conflict of laws. The courts of Munich, Germany, shall have exclusive jurisdiction in case of any disputes arising directly or indirectly from the participation in this Competition.

* “fast delivery” inside 7 working days applies to the Rohde & Schwarz in-house procedures from order processing through to available ex-factory to ship.