19 结果
R&S®VISA 是一个标准化软件库,支持通过多种接口和从电脑应用中检测到的各类联网测试与测量仪器进行快速通信。R&S®VISA 还包括一个跟踪工具,可同步监控多个应用和测试与测量仪器之间的通信,并支持借助高效滤波器进行针对性分析。
5月 26, 2020 | AN-No. 1DC02
1MA196 1MA196, Forum, 应用程序, 仪器, 远程, 控制, Python, 脚本, R&S Forum, RS Forum, R&SForum, RSForum 使用 R&S®Forum 应用程序实现仪器远程控制 使用 R&S®Forum 应用程序实现仪器远程控制 1MA196 1MA196, Forum, 应用程序, 仪器, 远程, 控制, Python, 脚本, R&S Forum, RS Forum, R&SForum, RSForum 使用 R&S®Forum 应用程序实现仪器远程控制
6月 28, 2018 | AN-No. 1MA196
适用于罗德与施瓦茨仪器的多功能软件工具RSCommander 是一款多功能软件工具,适用于各式各样的罗德与施瓦茨频谱分析仪、网络分析仪、信号发生器以及示波器。它能够自动发现仪器、创建屏幕截图、读取迹线、传输文件以及创建简单脚本。
12月 24, 2017 | AN-No. 1MA074
本应用指南概述了两种不同方法以通过 MathWorks MATLAB 远程控制罗德与施瓦茨仪器:第一种方法是使用 VISA 连接和直接 SCPI 命令。第二种方法是利用罗德与施瓦茨 VXI Plug & Play 仪器驱动程序和 MATLAB Instrument Control Toolbox。
6月 12, 2017 | AN-No. 1MA171
5G 网络将需要提高容量和灵活性,同时降低系统运营费用。虚拟化和大规模 MIMO 是两种新兴技术,可应对提高容量和能源效率方面的需求。本白皮书概述了满足当前和未来天线验证需求的测试解决方案,包括应用大规模 MIMO 天线技术的传导和空口 (OTA) 测试方法。本白皮书是对罗德与施瓦茨 白皮书 (1MA276) 的补充,介绍了波束成形天线的基本理论,探讨了辐射方向图的计算方法,并展示了小型线性阵列的大量模拟结果和部分实际测量结果。
11月 11, 2016 | AN-No. 1MA286
Welcome to this introductory video show about the R&S® ZVA family of network analyzers. Network analysis is sometimes considered to be cumbersome and difficult to understand, a very offputting reputation for newcomers to network analyzers. To help you look at network analyzers in a different light, we have created this video series. We have intentionally refrained from explaining any theory in depth. Rather, we want to show you how to operate our analyzers for simple and useful applications. As well as just watching this video show, you can also use it as a guide and try yourself. All the operational steps shown only require a standard RF power amplifier which should be available in almost every lab. So, before we get properly started, we hope you enjoy this video show and much success in becoming familiar with network analysis in general, and our R&S products in particular.
Feb 13, 2014 | AN-No. 1MA50
The aim of this application note is to provide information regarding Rohde & Schwarz instrument drivers. This paper shall help application engineers and software developers to easily get an understanding of advanced techniques to develop test and measurement (T&M) applications by utilizing Rohde & Schwarz instrument drivers. Furthermore the nomenclature used for Rohde & Schwarz instrument drivers will be explained.
Jan 01, 2013 | AN-No. 1MA153
The use of Rohde & Schwarz device drivers under VEE software is not complicated. However, a number of factors are involved, the errors that occur are often difficult to diagnose. This application provides easy and detailed support for installation and troubleshooting using National Instruments or Agilent GPIB boards.
Dec 20, 2012 | AN-No. 1MA035
This white paper introduces a novel attribute based architecture for VXIplug&play instrument drivers. The presented architecture uses the attribute based concept of IVI-C instrument drivers to introduce a two-layer design for VXIplug&play instrument drivers. Moreover the use of attributes is shown for the Rohde & Schwarz Spectrum Analyzer (rsspecan) instrument driver.
Dec 01, 2012 | AN-No. 1MA170
该应用指南描述了使用 R&S 矢量网络分析仪 ZVA 和 ZVT 系列的噪声系数测量。 该应用指南解释了无需特定噪声源,而进行噪声系数测量的概念。 此外,该应用指南还探讨了不同的测量应用,以及各自的设置及影响。 该应用指南还通过一些示例描述了仪器设置,并显示了测量结果。
10月 27, 2010 | AN-No. 1EZ61
Application note 1MA25 has been replaced by application note .
Aug 28, 2009 | AN-No. 1MA25
This document describes how the advanced calibration techniques of the ZVA Vector Network Analyzers can solve the challenges of measuring the S-Parameters on impedance matching devices. The document describes the concept and setup required to perform the calibration of the ZVA and making the measurement. The procedure described in this application note applies to the ZVB and ZVT Vector Network Analyzers as well.
May 06, 2009 | AN-No. 1EZ59
This Application Note describes characterization of devices used in radar systems with pulsed signals. The emphasis is on measurements using vector network analyzers (VNAs), signal generators, vector signal generators and spectrum analyzers.
Jan 18, 2008 | AN-No. 1MA124
Balanced RF components are advantageous compared to traditional single-ended components, since they cause less EMI, and are less susceptible to EMI. This application note describes the fundamental concepts of differential and common mode signals and of mixed-mode parameters, which are essential for balanced components. Techniques for the measurement of mixed-mode parameters are presented. Examples show the features implemented in the ZVB for balanced device measurement.
Sep 20, 2004 | AN-No. 1EZ53
该应用指南描述了两种换算程序: 1.: 功率单元计算器功率、dBm、dBmV 以及 Volts @ 50 W 2.: VSWR 计算器反射、VSWR、回波损耗以及功率反射,反射与适配不确定性。
7月 03, 1998 | AN-No. 1MA12