Wi-Fi 7 testing

Wi-Fi 7 testing

第六代 Wi-Fi(IEEE 802.11ax 标准)的市场在逐渐恢复生机,监管机构正开放 6 GHz 频谱以用于 Wi-Fi 6E。然而,下一代 IEEE 802.11be 标准(亦称 Wi-Fi 7 或极高吞吐量 (EHT) 技术)的相关工作早已展开。

802.11be 标准的主要目标在于将数据吞吐量提高到每秒数十吉比特且延迟低,以便紧跟超高清视频流、虚拟现实或增强现实应用等最新的应用趋势。与 Wi-Fi 6E 一样,Wi-Fi 7 将同样在 2.4 GHz、5 GHz 和 6 GHz 频段工作,并在音调方面作了一些微小调整。

提高吞吐量的关键在于更高的 320 MHz 通道带宽、多达 16 个空间流和 4096QAM 调制。这些先进功能给目前的 Wi-Fi 测试装置带来了挑战。罗德与施瓦茨提供了非常适合 Wi-Fi 7 测试的解决方案。


支持更宽的通道、更多的空间流和更高的调制方案,是实现极高吞吐量的基石。但是,到目前为止,这尚不足以满足未来的应用要求。正因如此,需要考虑一系列其他功能。这包括为每位用户分配多个资源单元 (RU)、优化 HARQ 进程、在所有频段实现多链路工作、协调数种多接入点操作。为了有效利用 6 GHz 频段的全新频谱,多用户资源单元 (MRU) 和前导码删失等功能非常重要。此类功能提高了复杂程度,需要采用创新的测试解决方案。

Key technology elements of the Wi-Fi 7 standard

The 6 GHz band provides a limited number of 320 MHz channels, with only two overlapping channels in Europe and six in North America, for example. However, now that the 6 GHz band is free for license exempt use, it is now possible to fully leverage the power of Wi-Fi 7. The availability of 160/320 MHz wide channels and the preamble puncturing introduced in Wi-Fi 6 will become increasingly important.

In this context, the introduction of multiple resource units (MRU) becomes relevant to more efficiently use spectrum resources. The optional feature of the next higher modulation scheme, 4096QAM, allows for higher data throughput under optimal radio conditions (high signal to noise ratio), making it most suitable for short range communication between Wi-Fi devices.

MLO will be introduced in different variations. Generally, a multi link device (MLD) can simultaneously establish and operate multiple links on different channels. This improves overall throughput, latency and reliability, especially in a busy radio environment. For this purpose, the MAC layer is divided into upper and lower sublayers: the upper sublayer handles functionalities common across all links, while the lower sublayer handles link specific functionalities.

Depending on the radio capabilities of the MLD, two modes of operation are defined:

  • Simultaneous transmit and receive (STR)
  • Non simultaneous transmit and receive (NSTR)

Specific operational models are defined for mobile, battery powered devices with limited radio capability. These models include the enhanced multi link single radio (EMLSR) mode for STAs and NSTR mobile AP MLD operation.

您的 802.11be 测试挑战

802.11be 标准定义了多种发射机和接收机测试,例如误差矢量幅度 (EVM)、发射功率、频谱发射和灵敏度测试。例如,4096QAM 调制要求提供信号生成功能,以便在最高 320 MHz 的带宽内发射失真极低的信号,且具备所需分析带宽的频谱分析仪能够以极低的残余 EVM 执行分析。诸如在多用户操作中分配多个资源单元的先进功能将增强对信令测试解决方案的需求,以便验证定时误差、未使用信号音误差和发射功率调整等参数。这些要求非常苛刻,需要借助创新的测试与测量解决方案。

IEEE 802.11be signal analysis of a 320 MHz EHT-MU PDDU with the R&S®FSW signal and spectrum analyzer
IEEE 802.11be signal analysis of a 320 MHz EHT-MU PDDU with the R&S®FSW signal and spectrum analyzer

High-performance Wi-Fi 7 test solutions

Rohde & Schwarz continuously enhances its wireless test portfolio to support the latest technological innovations. We are dedicated to offering a comprehensive range of solutions for Wi-Fi AP testing and Wi-Fi STA testing:

  • RF components
  • Chipsets
  • Modules
  • Devices

Our solutions span all application layers, from RF and signaling testing to end to end data application testing.

Products for Wi-Fi 7 testing

R&S®CMX500 wireless communication tester

Multi-channel, multi-technology one-box tester to test Wi-Fi 7 in signaling mode.


R&S®CMP180 radio communication tester

Non-signaling test solution for wireless devices in R&D, validation and production.


R&S®SMW200A vector signal generator

Support for Wi-Fi modulation schemes at full bandwidth, allowing MIMO testing with real-time fading.


R&S®FSW signal and spectrum analyzer

Setting standards in innovation and usability for testing Wi-Fi devices.


R&S®TS8997 regulatory test system for wireless devices

Regulatory testing for wireless devices operating in ISM bands based on ETSI and FCC.


R&S®CMW100 communications manufacturing test set

Ultra-compact non-signaling tester optimized for production lines.


R&S®SMBV100B vector signal generator

New benchmark in its class with up to 1 GHz modulation bandwidth and excellent EVM.


R&S®FSV3000 signal and spectrum analyzer

Wi-Fi spectrum and signal analysis for development, supporting 400 MHz analysis bandwidth.


R&S®PVT360A performance vector tester

A combined vector signal generator and analyzer optimized for RF component testing.


罗德与施瓦茨 802.11be 测试解决方案的优势

我们致力于提供综合全面的解决方案,涵盖芯片组、模块、站点和接入点测试。这些解决方案适用于从射频到信令测试和端到端数据应用测试的所有应用领域。目前,罗德与施瓦茨提供各类仪器,支持在研发过程中测试下一代 Wi-Fi 的带宽和准确度。


Webinar: The smart way to test Wi-Fi 7

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Wi-Fi 7 testing in R&D

Video: Wi-Fi 7 testing in R&D

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Webinar: Wi-Fi 7 is now! What you need to know about global regulatory compliance

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Poster: Wi-Fi 7 for extreme high throughput (EHT)

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Webinar: Unlocking the ultimate Wi-Fi 7 experience

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Wi-Fi 7 (IEEE 802.11be) 4x4 true-MIMO testing

Video: Wi-Fi 7 (IEEE 802.11be) 4x4 true-MIMO testing

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App card: Hints for IEEE 802.11be EVM Measurements

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App card: Verify radio performance of IEEE 802.11be devices

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Webinar: Realizing extreme high throughput with Wi-Fi 7

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Video: Production testing for Wi-Fi® / NR FR1 / 7.125 GHz

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白皮书:IEEE 802.11be 技术简介


文章:802.11be WLAN 标准概述(第 19 页起)


海报:Wi-Fi 的历史和未来


网络研讨会:准备好进行 Wi-Fi 6E/7 测试了吗?我们已准备就绪!


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