


所有下一代移动设备将比以往更为依赖愈加强大、有效和复杂的下一代 Wi-Fi。

在过去二十年间,基于 IEEE 802.11 标准系列的无线局域网 (WLAN) 技术是最成功的无线通信技术之一。这项技术主要以正交频分复用 (OFDM) 接入方案为基础,一般在 2.4 GHz、5 GHz 和 60 GHz 等免许可频段中运行,在当今和未来无线通信网络中占有重要地位,并承载其中的各种设备流量。第六代 Wi-Fi (Wi-Fi 6) 基于 IEEE 802.11ax 标准,增强了通信效率,并将在全新可用的 6 GHz 频段运行 (Wi-Fi 6E)。此外,第七代技术 (Wi-Fi 7) 的标准化工作早已开始,旨在实现极其出色的吞吐量 (IEEE 802.11be)。

罗德与施瓦茨 WLAN/Wi-Fi 测试解决方案

罗德与施瓦茨提供广泛的测试与测量设备以用于测试 WLAN 接入点 (AP) 和基站 (STA)。这包括矢量信号发生器等独特的测试仪器,能够以所需频率和带宽生成多个信号流,并具备出色的射频性能。这还包括信号与频谱分析解决方案,能够提供所需的准确度、速度和信号分析带宽。

宽带通信测试仪是一体化解决方案,能够测量 AP 和 STA 发射机和接收机的射频特性。测试仪在信令模式下能够评估端到端性能,并分析协议栈(包括应用层),这对于第六代 Wi-Fi 将变得更加重要。

Wi-Fi device testing

With each new generation of Wi-Fi, radio designs increase in complexity to meet customer expectations. Testing Wi-Fi devices, access points (AP) and stations (STA) at all phases of the product lifecycle is essential to standards conformance, regulatory compliance, quality targets and customer experience.

In Wi-Fi ecosystems, several industry consortia and interest groups define test requirements and setups. The tests can be divided into three groups:

  • Non signaling testing: physical layer compliance and performance testing for early R&D, design verification testing (DVT) and highly automated production environments
  • Signaling testing: more complex measurement tasks involving layers above the physical layer
  • Reference STA/AP: signaling testing with reference devices mainly used for Wi-Fi Alliance certification
Wi-Fi device testing

Solutions for Wi-Fi/WLAN testing

Rohde & Schwarz offers a broad range of test and measurement solutions for Wi-Fi AP testing and Wi-Fi STA testing:

  • WLAN components, such as antennas, filters and power amplifiers
  • Chipsets
  • Modules
  • Devices

Our portfolio includes unique test instruments, such as vector signal generators that are able to generate multiple streams at the required frequencies and bandwidths and demonstrate outstanding RF performance. It also includes solutions for signal and spectrum analysis that provide the required accuracy, speed and signal analysis bandwidths; these solutions are mainly applicable in R&D, verification, qualification and regulatory testing.

For automated non signaling testing, we offer an all in one solution which includes the required chipset interfaces, test automation and integration in customers’ automated test environment (ATE). It measures RF performance with exceptionally high accuracy.

Our multi technology communication testers are all in one solutions for measuring the RF characteristics of transmitters and receivers in APs and STAs. These testers operate in signaling mode to evaluate end to end performance, analyze the protocol stack (including the application layer) and interwork with cellular networks (Wi-Fi offload). This functionality will become increasingly important with the latest and upcoming generations of Wi-Fi.

WLAN/Wi-Fi 测试解决方案

WLAN IEEE 802.11be 测试

Wi-Fi 7 运用更高的 320 MHz 通道带宽、多达 16 个空间流和 4096QAM 调制,保证数据吞吐量高达每秒数十吉比特。


WLAN IEEE 802.11ax 测试

Wi-Fi 6/6E 引入提高效率的特性,例如 OFDMA、上行链路调度、多用户 MIMO 和功率控制,使精确测试比以往更加重要。


WLAN IEEE 802.11ac 物理层测试

Wi-Fi 5 支持提高数据率的特性,例如 160 MHz 带宽、8x8 MIMO 和多用户 MIMO。这些特性需要在研发和生产中通过适当的测试解决方案进行测试。


WLAN IEEE 802.11ad/ay 测试

802.11ad/ay 设立了设备测试与测量标杆。此标准在高达 60 GHz 的超高频率中运行,涵盖从 2 GHz 至 8 GHz 的宽带宽范围,并运用多用户 MIMO 和波束成形技术。


WLAN IEEE 802.11p 测试

802.11p Wi-Fi 技术可用于汽车电子应用,适用于要求进行全面测试和认证的高难度射频环境。


LTE 中的 WLAN 分流

蜂窝和非蜂窝通信相结合,推动了数次技术发展。要使 Wi-Fi 成为移动网络中不可或缺的一部分,需要详细测试相关的网络功能、互通性和共存性。


Wi-Fi 的历史和未来

免费海报:Wi-Fi 的历史和未来

您是否对历经三十年发展的 Wi-Fi 技术深感兴趣,但仍对数量繁多的 Wi-Fi 规范一头雾水?阅读海报,查找您需要的所有信息:

  • 从首个 Wi-Fi 802.11b 标准到最新 802.11be 标准(也称为 Wi-Fi 7)的编号和结构化信息
  • 带宽、频谱、调制和天线方案方面的技术发展
  • 适用于汽车电子应用(11p、11be)、物联网用例(11ah、11af)以及沙发和桌面网络(11ad、11ay)的不同 Wi-Fi 标准

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