24 结果
A sinus signal with i.e. 10 V peak-peak, frequency 1 MHz is applied. If I choose a vertical scale which is too small the peaks of the waveform are not displayed as they are out of range. Now I activate the digital filter in the “Vertical” menu à “Channel”. The frequency of the filter is also set to 1 MHz. Now even at very small vertical scales (i.e. 50 mV/div) the waveform is displayed completely, see screenshot. But the amplitude can not be correct. What goes wrong here?
RTE/RTO/RTP:使用远程命令在指定频率下通过 FFT 测量电平。
Which test fixture for MDI mode conversion measurement at 100Base T1 Compliance Test?
Is it possible to do math operations on a measurement? For example measure the frequency but display the result as cycles per minute?
RTO/RTP:使用第 5 版固件设置测量的参考电平
RTE/RTO/RTP——使用 Labview 驱动程序加载设置文件
这是用于对 I/Q 软件接口选件 K11 进行配置和查询数据的 SCPI 命令序列。
使用 RT-ZF2 测试夹具连接被测设备和链路伙伴
启动 RTE/RTO/RTP 时,Windows 要求提供用户信息和密码。如何恢复自动登录功能?
常见问答——解码 SENT 协议时显示 CRC 错误
我已将波形导出至 csv 文件。但是,当我在 Excel 中打开文件时,数值完全错误。我如何能得到正确值?
R&S®Scope Suite——eMMC 一致性测试失败
RTE、RTO、RTP 频率测量换算为以周期/分钟为单位
For some tests a vector network analyzer is required. The Scope Suite software just supports VNAs from R&S to be connected via LAN for automated measurements. Can I use also other VNAs and do the measurement manually?
当我进行 RMS 测量并应用偏移时,测量结果更改。我没有在其他示波器上发现这个问题。这里出了什么问题?
通过 HDMI 接口连接附加显示器时,触控功能消失。如何恢复触控功能?
The Zoom function does not show any waveform data at specific settings, especially at slower timebases in combination with higher sample rates, High resolution and roll mode with more channels. The problem is gone if a lower sample rate is chosen.
RTO/RTP 更新旧版固件