超宽带 (UWB) 通信和测距

超宽带 (UWB) 测试

超宽带 (UWB) 通信和测距


超宽带通信通过 IEEE 802.15.4a/f/z 标准进行标准化,支持在免许可频谱中进行低功率通信和精确测距。这项技术用于数个行业的不同应用领域,现在正在进入消费者市场,并主要瞄准移动电话和汽车电子应用。典型用例包括无钥匙进入、资产查找、移动数据共享和安全支付。


脉冲无线电通信可以追溯到早期的无线电通信,其时无线电通信以海因里希·赫兹 (Heinrich Hertz) 和古列尔莫·马可尼 (Guglielmo Marconi) 的发明为基础。超宽带的特点是传输极窄脉冲、持续时间仅为几纳秒,并产生 500 MHz 和更高的宽频谱。这使得超宽带信号的抗干扰性较强,而且支持非常精确的飞行时间测量。

IEEE 802.15.4 标准定义了两个物理层。一个物理层针对 1 MHz 至 4 MHz 的低脉冲重复频率 (LRP UWB)。目前的应用中主要使用另一个物理层,其适用于 4 MHz 至 250 MHz 的高脉冲重复频率 (HRP UWB)。大多数应用使用 6 GHz 至 10 GHz 范围内定义的高频段通道,通道带宽为 499.2 MHz。


对于测试超宽带设备,除了监管要求外,FiRa 联盟、UWB 联盟或车联网联盟规定的性能和互操作性状况和要求也非常重要。


基于 IEEE 802.15.4z 标准的超宽带通道分配(0.8 草案,2020 年 3 月)

IEEE 802.15.4a/f/z 中标准化的脉冲无线电超宽带 (UWB)

使用 R&S®CMP200 无线通信测试仪的发射机测量


  • 从研发到生产和认证,测试解决方案涵盖所有方面
  • 行业主要参与者携手开发的专用超宽带解决方案
  • 一致性和认证测试解决方案


Video: UWB R&D, FiRa certifictaion and production testing

Watch this video to learn more about powerful tools to solve UWB test challenges in R&D, for FiRa certification and in mass production

More information

Webinar: Realizing the full potential of UWB with smart testing

In this webinar we explain the latest trends in the UWB market, including upcoming test and certification requirements.

More information

Video: Ultra-wideband performance testing over the air for R&D

Watch this video to learn about our fully automated test solution that enables design engineers to quickly test and compare various device designs to achieve the most accurate UWB localization.

Watch Video

Poster: UWB for enhanced ranging devices

Download this free poster for an overview of all the important details of the physical layer and positioning techniques for ultra-wideband.

More information

Application Card: Accurately measure your UWB device's time of flight

Read this application card to learn about how the R&S®CMP200 radio communication tester together with the R&S®CM-Z300A time of flight kit provides an accurate setup for time of flight measurements – in validation, calibration and certification.

More information

Application Card: Simplify FiRa™ certification for your UWB device

Read this application card to learn about how the validated UWB PHY test suite for the R&S®CMP200 radio communication tester simplifies FiRa™ Consortium PHY conformance testing.

More information

Webinar: Reinforce a seamless UWB experience by certification and over-the-air testing

In this webinar, we will provide you with an update on UWB technology and ecosystem trends. We will also introduce a physical layer conformance test tool from Rohde & Schwarz.

More information



网络研讨会:基于 IEEE 802.15.4z 的超宽带揭秘


应用指南:使用 CMP200 无线通信测试仪的 HRP UWB 测试


R&S®CMP200 – fine-tuned for ultra-wideband


R&S®CMP200 – fine-tuned for ultra-wideband


R&S®CMP200 无线通信测试仪

集成式非信令解决方案适用于研发和生产中的超宽带和 5G 毫米波射频参数测试。


R&S®SMW200A 矢量信号发生器



R&S®FSW 信号与频谱分析仪



R&S®VSE 矢量信号分析软件

支持在电脑上或云中 (Cloud4Testing) 分析超宽带信号。


R&S®RTP 示波器

将一流的信号完整性与出色的波形捕获率相结合,能够搭配 VSE 软件分析超宽带信号。


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