54 结果
适用于 R&S®CMP200 无线电通信测试仪的超宽带物理层 (UWB PHY) 测试套件经过验证,可以简化 FiRa™ 联盟的 PHY 一致性测试。
6月 21, 2022
本应用指南描述了如何使用 R&S®CMP200 无线电通信测试仪的 UWB 测量功能在研发和生产中测量高速率脉冲 (HRP) UWB 物理层。
5月 19, 2021 | AN-No. GFM362
USA / CAN - National Recognized Test Laboratory (NRTL certificate) for CMP180, CMP200, PVT360A
Feb 28, 2024
Rohde & Schwarz and Samsung pave the way for adoption of secure ranging test cases defined by the FiRa ConsortiumRohde & Schwarz and Samsung have collaborated to verify secure ranging test cases for the ultra-wideband (UWB) PHY layer and assess the secure receiver characteristics of devices based on FiRa specifications. There are new test cases specified in the FiRa 2.0 Technical Specifications, which covers the prevention of physical layer attacks on secure ranging applications based on UWB technology. These test cases were verified with the R&S CMP200 radio communication tester from Rohde & Schwarz on Samsung’s latest UWB chipset.
小基站是一种紧凑型基站,和常规的宏基站相比体积更小、传输功率更低。小基站的覆盖范围相对较小,承载的用户量也更少。一般而言,小基站能够集成到现有的移动网络中。无线接入技术持续演进,小基站的作用也随之不断变化。在 2G/3G 时代,小基站被用于在极端情况下提供覆盖。在之后的 LTE 时代,基站网络不仅提供覆盖,还提供容量。小基站被用于根据需要提供附加容量,不额外增加频谱。在当下的 5G 时代,网络运营商采用关键的密集化策略来提供流畅一致的 5G 服务,这同样需要保障网络覆盖、容量和性能。对于需要部署 5G 毫米波 (mmW) 的应用,考虑到毫米波的传播特性,可以通过小基站有效增加基站密度。在本应用指南中,我们将探讨产品生命周期中的小基站测试,并使用无线电综测仪 R&S®CMP200 和 OTA 暗箱 R&S®CMQ200 重点针对拆分选项 6 讨论空口 (OTA) 环境中 FR2(频率范围 2,毫米波频段)的小基站被测设备 (DUT) 的生产测试解决方案。指南的第二部分将更加深入地介绍典型研发测试应用中使用的测试解决方案。
6月 19, 2023 | AN-No. 1SL395
R&S CMPQ Compact Solution for 5G mmWave RF Testing - Product Brochure
蜂窝设备测试 R&S®CMP200 无线电通信测试仪在全球首屈一指,适用于研发和生产中的 5G FR2 和超宽带测试。CMP200 测试仪一体化集成矢量信号分析仪和发生器,并获得领先芯片组制造商的认可,可用于 5G 设备测试。在超宽带领域,CMP200 符合位置测试中有关定时精度的关键性能标准。 我们将借助直观、基于 Web 的 R&S®CMsquares 用户界面展示不同的超宽带和 5G FR2 测量。 R&S®CMP200 无线电通信测试仪在全球首屈一指,适用于研发和生产中的 5G FR2 和超宽带测试。CMP200 测试仪一体化集成矢量信号分析仪和发生器,并获得领先芯片组制造商的认可,可用于 5G 设备测试。在超宽带领域,CMP200 符合位置测试中有关定时精度的关键性能标准。
Jan 10, 2022
Rohde & Schwarz 5G mmWave small cell test solution validated by Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.Rohde & Schwarz has upgraded the R&S CMP200 radio communication tester with a new option for small cell testing. Qualcomm Technologies has validated the solution, and it is now supported by the Qualcomm® Development Acceleration Resource Toolkit (QDART) for Small Cells. Manufacturers of small cell infrastructure who integrate the Qualcomm® FSM100 5G RAN Platform in their products can expect that the R&S CMP200 fulfils all necessary hardware development and production test requirements.
精细的空口超宽带 (UWB) 测量 观看视频,了解采用 R&S®CMP200 的 OTA 测试装置如何执行所有重要的 UWB 测试用例:飞行时间、到达角以及发射机和接收机性能。 完善的 R&S®CMP200 无线通信测试仪增加了 UWB 测试功能,性能更加优越。 超宽带技术利用短信号脉冲和宽带宽,能够实现低功耗近程通信。除了安全的低功率通信,精度可达厘米级的精确测距也是一个重要的 UWB 用例。为了实现此精度,需要校准和验证 UWB 设备。空口 (OTA) 测量是一种理想方法。 观看视频,了解采用 R&S®CMP200 的 OTA 测试装置如何执行所有重要的 UWB 测试用例:飞行时间、到达角以及发射机和接收机性能。 UWB 测试设备, 超宽带测试仪 观看视频,了解采用 R&S®CMP200 的 OTA 测试装置如何执行所有重要的 UWB 测试用例。
Feb 17, 2022
Bosch selects Rohde & Schwarz to verify automotive UWB connectivityThe Bosch Group has selected the R&S CMP200 radio communication tester from Rohde & Schwarz to validate automotive Ultra-Wideband (UWB) applications in manufacturing. The project is a continuation of the long-term cooperation between Bosch and Rohde & Schwarz in wireless connectivity.
Feb 19, 2020
Rohde & Schwarz and Decawave cooperate to develop T&M capabilities for Ultra Wideband technologiesRohde & Schwarz and Decawave demonstrate test functions for the new generation of Decawave UWB devices with the new generation of Rohde & Schwarz radio communication tester, the R&S CMP200. With this solution, both companies address manufacturers planning wireless devices using Ultra Wideband (UWB) technology to provide secure location-based services.
R&S®CMP200, FR2 Small Cell devices, Qualcomms QSPR, R&S®VSE, R&S®WMT, test procedure This video showcases a test procedure with the R&S tool R&S®WMT.
UWB, 超宽带, 开发测试, 恩智浦, 汽车电子芯片组 本视频展示了如何使用 R&S®CMP200 和 R&S®ATS800R 测量超宽带汽车电子 IC。
Mobile World Congress, CMP200, ATS800R, UWB testing Video: UWB R&D, FiRa certifictaion and production testing
CMP200, Automotive Ultra wideband performance testing over the air for R&D
Jun 27, 2022
Rohde & Schwarz Offers New Ultra-Wideband Test Solution Validated for FiRa Consortium PHY ConformanceWith a new ultra-wideband (UWB) PHY Test Suite for the R&S CMP200 radio communication tester, Rohde & Schwarz now offers a PHY Conformance Test Tool (PCTT) to support conformance testing of the UWB PHY layer as specified by the FiRa Consortium.
CMP200, Automotive Ultra wideband performance testing over the air for R&D
Jun 06, 2023
Automotive Testing Expo Europe 2023: Enabling the next level of ADAS with test & measurement solutions from Rohde & SchwarzAt Automotive Testing Expo Europe 2023 in Stuttgart, Rohde & Schwarz will demonstrate a wide range of cutting-edge test solutions that support automotive applications. With test solutions on show that cover automotive radar, Ethernet, 5G and UWB, the company enables the automotive industry to make the next level of autonomous driving reality.
该解决方案结合 R&S®CMP200 无线电通信测试仪与 R&S®CMQ200 屏蔽柜。这款全集成式非信令解决方案非常适用于在研发和生产中可靠、高效地测试射频集成电路、智能手机和平板电脑。 MWC 2019, CMP200, CMQ200, NRPM, 空中测试, FR2, 射频参数测试, GSMA, 世界移动大会 在 2019 年巴塞罗那 GSMA 世界移动大会上,罗德与施瓦茨展示面向 5G FR2 设备的紧凑型空中测试解决方案。
1月 25, 2024
罗德与施瓦茨亮相 MWC2024:移动通信测试与测量解决方案激发连接潜力,实现创新赋能罗德与施瓦茨(以下简称"R&S")始终走在技术创新的前沿,以其全面的测试和测量解决方案塑造移动行业的未来。 公司将在 2024年巴塞罗那世界移动大会上展示以“激发连接潜力,实现创新赋能”为主题的广泛产品组合,帮助行业领导者、厂商、行业参与者将新移动产品、应用和技术的想法成真。
Dec 22, 2022
CES 2023: Rohde & Schwarz showcases the latest in Automotive Radar and Ultra-Wideband testingCES 2023: Rohde & Schwarz showcases the latest in Automotive Radar and Ultra-Wideband testing
Nov 09, 2021
Rohde & Schwarz joins Car Connectivity Consortium to support development of smartphone-to-car communications including UWBRohde & Schwarz has joined the Car Connectivity Consortium (CCC) to support the organization's mission to foster industrywide standards for communications between vehicles and smartphones. The company will contribute its broad expertise in mobile device and automotive technology testing. In particular, the company will provide its solutions for the development and production of UWB devices and modules for automotive applications such as keyless vehicle access.
R&S®CMPQ 测试装置包括 R&S®CMP200 无线电通信测试仪、R&S®CMPHEAD30 远程无线电头端和 R&S®CMQ200 屏蔽柜。观看视频,了解测试装置如何工作。 CMPQ, 5G, 毫米波, 射频测试解决方案 观看视频,探索用于 5G 毫米波射频测试的创新一体化平台策略
UBW – Ultra Wideband 802.15.4a / 15.4z test solution with new R&S®CMP200 radio communication tester as standardized by IEEE 802.15.4 (groups a/f/z), enables very low power communication and very accurate ranging in the license-exempt spectrum.
May 31, 2021
Rohde & Schwarz and Colby Instruments collaborate to offer accurate test solution for UWB device localizationUltra-wideband (UWB) technology relies on the ability of devices to determine their location based on distance, moving direction and relative position to other devices. To meet the UWB ecosystem’s testing needs, Rohde & Schwarz and Colby Instruments have collaborated to offer a concerted test solution that accurately simulates the moving direction of UWB devices.