

Webinar: Advancements in phase-related measurements for radar applications

在本网络研讨会中,我们将概述雷达信号的相位。我们将展示用于测量脉冲信号稳定性的简单方法,谈论生成所需的多端口相位相参信号以模拟到达角 (AoA) 场景,并探索如何使用紧缩场 (CATR) 电波暗箱和高端示波器测量相位编码雷达信号。


  • 测量脉冲信号的稳定性
  • 生成多端口相位相参雷达信号
  • 测量相位编码信号

Leander Humbert is a technology manager for radar at Rohde & Schwarz. He completed his Master’s Degree in electrical engineering in 2004 at the Helmut Schmidt University in Hamburg. Between 2004 and 2011, he worked as a system engineer for electronic warfare systems at the German Air Force. From 2012 to 2016, he was a technical counselor for missile and air defense related sensor systems at IABG. He is currently interested in all aspects of test and measurement requirements for current and future radar sensors.