
2020 年您需要了解的所有低功耗蓝牙 (Bluetooth® LE) 信息

Jörg Köpp 和 Ute Philipp 倾情出品

Everything you need to know about Bluetooth® Low Energy (LE) in 2020

Bluetooth® LE 是最成功的物联网 (IoT) 无线技术之一。过去十年间,相关用例从连接电脑外围设备扩展到与可穿戴设备进行多方位通信和更多其他应用。

最新版 Bluetooth® 规范(5.0、5.1、5.2)进一步涵盖了 IoT 领域的更多应用,例如智能家居、智能建筑和室内定位服务。

本网络研讨会将介绍您需要了解的最新功能(如远程或测向功能),并讨论相关测试挑战和解决方案。研讨会还将重点介绍创新的无线电控制测试模式解决方案,这将重新定义未来 Bluetooth® LE 设备的测试方式。

Joerg Koepp is a Market Segment Manager responsible for driving T&M business in the wireless connectivity market at Rohde & Schwarz, with focus on technologies like UWB, Bluetooth and Wi-Fi.

Joerg has extensive experience in the telecommunications industry and well known as speaker, and host of webinars and the video series Let’s talk IoT. Prior to joining Rohde & Schwarz, he worked as a system architect, project leader, and director of system engineering and technology manager at Siemens and Nokia Siemens Networks. He had also the pleasure to run one of the first Wi-Fi field trails in Germany 20 years ago.

Joerg Koepp