
大规模 MIMO 如何挑战 5G 基站测试

Meik Kottkamp 和 Ezer Bennour 倾情出品

Webinar: How massive MIMO challenges 5G base station testing (EU/APAC)

毫无疑问,大规模多输入多输出 (MIMO) 天线系统和波束成形是 5G 部署的关键促成因素和基本组成部分。它们有助于改善最终用户体验、网络容量和覆盖范围,并最终提高频谱效率。本网络研讨会介绍了目前商业网络中采用的 MIMO 技术。研讨会进一步讨论了 2020 年 6 月完成的 3GPP 第 16 版规范中新规定的 MIMO 增强功能,并演示了如何在实验室中开发 5G 基站和微小区时使用罗德与施瓦茨示波器测试相位相参 5G MIMO 信号。

Ezer Bennour is a product manager within the oscilloscope department at Rohde & Schwarz. His main focus is on RF applications for high-end oscilloscopes. Before joining Rohde & Schwarz in 2019, he had gained experience as an application engineer with a special focus on modular RF instruments. Ezer holds a diploma degree in electrical engineering from the University of Stuttgart in Germany.

Ezer Bennour