
5G 新空口的持续演变

Webinar: Ongoing evolution of 5G New Radio

5G 正在从一种辅助技术演变成一项坚实的通信标准,并将改变我们与他人和周围事物的通信方式。尽管很多人可能认为一切才刚起步,但 5G 演变早已开始。5G 技术将推出各种新颖的绝妙功能和特性,开辟不可胜数的新用例领域。观看本次网络研讨会,探讨 5G 发展方向,了解 3GPP 第 16 版和第 17 版规范中将引入的全新技术,并探究这些新功能将如何影响 5G 技术的整体演变。

Reiner Stuhlfauth is a Technology Manager for wireless communications at Rohde & Schwarz headquarters in Munich, Germany. He focuses on wireless communications technology and T&M aspects in cellular and non-cellular radio technologies. In this role, he promotes test and measurement solutions for e.g. LTE, 5G and WLAN. Reiner is one of a group of authors at Rohde & Schwarz who have published a technology book on 5G NR: “5G New Radio – Fundamentals, procedures, testing aspects”.

Reiner Stuhlfauth