
准备好进行 Wi-Fi 6E/7 测试了吗?我们已准备就绪!

Jörg Köpp 和 Hagen Heggenberger 倾情出品

Webinar: Are you ready for Wi-Fi 6E/7 testing?

对更快速的无线接入和更低延迟的需求不断增加。为了满足这些需求并支持新用例,全球监管机构开放 6 GHz 频段以供非授权使用频谱。Wi-Fi 6 标准 IEEE 802.11ax 能够在新频谱发挥全部潜能。新频谱还为成功部署下一代 Wi-Fi 7 标准作好了准备。在本网络研讨会中,我们将详细阐述 Wi-Fi 6E 的相关技术和监管现状。我们将讨论相关测试挑战,并演示适用于 Wi-Fi 6E 和 Wi-Fi 7 测试的新测试解决方案。此外,研讨会还将前瞻性地概述即将推出的 Wi-Fi 7 标准 IEEE 802.11be。


  • Wi-Fi 6E 技术特性和监管新规
  • Wi-Fi 7 技术展望
  • 适用于 Wi-Fi 6E、Wi-Fi 7 和更多其他技术的测试解决方案

Joerg Koepp is a Market Segment Manager responsible for driving T&M business in the wireless connectivity market at Rohde & Schwarz, with focus on technologies like UWB, Bluetooth and Wi-Fi.

Joerg has extensive experience in the telecommunications industry and well known as speaker, and host of webinars and the video series Let’s talk IoT. Prior to joining Rohde & Schwarz, he worked as a system architect, project leader, and director of system engineering and technology manager at Siemens and Nokia Siemens Networks. He had also the pleasure to run one of the first Wi-Fi field trails in Germany 20 years ago.

Joerg Koepp