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R&S®OSP Open Switch and Control Platform - Product Brochure
The modular R&S®OSP open switch and control platform performs RF switch and control tasks quickly and easily. The latest R&S®OSP generation comes with an extended range of modules, allowing an even wider variety of RF wiring configurations to be implemented.
R&S®OSP Open Switch and Control Platform - Specifications
This document provides the technical specifications of the R&S®OSP open switch and control platform.
R&S®OSP-B182E RF module for R&S®OSP - Fact Sheet
Simplified for terminated high power condition testing
R&S®OSP-B157W8 PLUS/-B157WX - Specifications
Synchronized Multichannel High-Resolution Power Meter and Switching Modules.
This data sheet refers to the combination of the R&S®OSP150 with the R&S®OSP-B157W8 PLUS module and the combination of the R&S®OSP220 with the R&S®OSP-B157WX module.